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Unraveling the Intricacies of Fraudulent Calumny in Challenging a Will

12 September 2024

In the realm of civil litigation, solicitor Andrew Carswell sheds light on a lesser-known yet intriguing legal concept - fraudulent calumny.


While undue influence often takes center stage as grounds for challenging the validity of a person's Will, fraudulent calumny presents a unique avenue for contestation, involving the manipulation of a testator's intentions through deceitful means.

Fraudulent calumny, with its quaint name, revolves around false representations intended to taint the testator's perception of a beneficiary, leading them to alter their Will. To successfully challenge a Will based on fraudulent calumny, it must be proven that these misrepresentations were made purposefully, with knowledge of their falsity or reckless disregard for the truth.

Instances of fraudulent calumny are infrequent, characterised by the complexity and challenges in gathering concrete evidence to substantiate the claims. Proving a direct correlation between the alleged falsehood and the testamentary provisions poses a formidable task for claimants, making successful cases elusive.

In recent years, notable cases such as Speakman v Muir [2022] and Whittle v Whittle [2022] have offered insights into the convoluted nature of fraudulent calumny. In Speakman v Muir, a son successfully challenged a series of Wills that unfairly diminished his share of the estate, revealing how false allegations by a household assistant poisoned the deceased's mind against him. Similarly, in Whittle v Whittle, a son faced baseless accusations orchestrated by his sister and her partner, ultimately resulting in his exclusion from his father's estate.

While instances of fraudulent calumny remain rare, vigilance is paramount when navigating this facet of testamentary law. The interplay of undue influence and fraudulent calumny underscores the importance of upholding integrity and transparency in matters of estate planning and inheritance. Although most individuals act in good faith, the presence of fraudulent calumny serves as a cautionary reminder of the nuanced complexities within the legal landscape surrounding Wills.

As we navigate the intricacies of law and seek to preserve the integrity of testamentary intentions, understanding the nuances of fraudulent calumny stands as a crucial aspect in safeguarding the sanctity of Will provisions and ensuring justice prevails where deceit attempts to sow discord.

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