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Aldridge Brownlee support Walking Home for Christmas Appeal

13 December 2019

Would we walk again? That was the question we asked ourselves after a long day working at our Lansdowne Office before completing an 8 mile walk on the evening of 5th December 2019. 


The walk took place along Bournemouth sea front to Sandbanks and back again for the “Walking home for Christmas” appeal in aid of Walking with the Wounded

The charity helps injured former British Armed Forces servicemen and women in their career transition from the military to civilian life. They offer assistance through their programmes to vulnerable veterans who have been physically, mentally or socially disadvantaged by their service.

Lawyers and support staff  from our Debt Recovery and Dispute Resolution teams completed the walk  in the best possible time and with the greatest result – not unlike their mantra at work.  We completed the walk with smiles along the way despite a bitter wind in our faces outward bound.

We are so pleased to have raised £1,000 from the partners, staff, family and friends with more donations still due to be received.  

A thank you is also extended to clients and contacts who also supported the walk.  A particular thank you is due to Credit Recovery Systems Limited and Mash Purveyors Limited for their generous contributions.

All donations are gratefully received.  Should anyone still wish to donate please contact Lesley Curtis, Head of Debt Recovery for details of how to do so.

Back to the original question …… absolutely without a doubt !!!