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If your company is owed money why not employ a debt recovery lawyer from the outset?

31 January 2020

Many companies employ debt collection agents to chase their debts. If the debt is not collected, the matter is often then referred to external debt recovery solicitors. 


If the external debt recovery solicitors recover the monies owed, you will normally have to pay not only a percentage of the recovered sum to the debt collection agents but also the legal costs incurred to the debt recovery solicitors. Why pay twice? 

At Aldridge Brownlee Solicitors LLP we have a Debt Recovery team at our Lansdowne office whose aim it is to collect the monies you are owed. We work efficiently and provide you with sound legal and commercial advice.

Here are six reasons to employ us to collect your debts:

· We see the big picture and don’t want you to lose your customers

We want your customers to pay you and to continue to trade with you. We can approach your non-paying customer in a number of ways which best suits the relationship you have with them.

· We advise on your legal position and the merits of your case

We review the initial information you provide and establish your legal position from the outset. It means we can advise on the merit of your case. There is no point in wasting your money on instructing us on a case without merit or if the likelihood of recovery is nil. Throughout a matter we will continue to review and advise you accordingly.

· Our Duty of Care to you

As solicitors we are regulated by The Law Society and the Solicitors Regulation Authority. This means we have a duty to act in your best interests. 

· We can issue Court Proceedings

Requests for payment are often ignored. However, contact from solicitors in the form of a telephone call, a letter before action or, if it proves necessary, Court Proceedings are often more effective than a simple request for payment. 

· Future proof outstanding debts in the future

Our Debt Recovery team works closely with our Dispute Resolution Team. They can review your company’s documentation (including Terms of Business) to ensure you have wording which best suits your business and clearly sets out payment terms, interest and costs payable when invoices are paid late.

For an informal chat about your business requirements or to instruct us in debt recovery matters please contact Lesley Curtis, Head of Debt Recovery

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